What is Your Name, Shiny-Haired, Wild-Eyed Stranger?

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who says only things that are not,
who says very little

Behold, I Tell You a Mystery

Behold, I tell you a mystery: we will not all sleep, but we shall all be changed
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet (1 Corinthians 15:51-2)

Finding Acceptance in the Face of Tongue-Time Anomalies

Telling the story of a moment is something that is impossible fully to do, and nevertheless it is something that must be attempted.

Broken Arms

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Just Cause

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That's it,
it's settled then.
I'll just follow whim.

(risking the bitter end
of a lone bitch at one
with feline kith as kin,

Oh, me

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Oh, me.

The boredom. The restlessness. Come down, out of the trees, move your hand across my face, fill my head with details. Then take me with you, interlaced.


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She is walking down to the corner of the city. Her eyes follow her green shoes, her head in a blue hood. The air has the sweet taste of coffee and rainy leaves.

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