Accused and condemned

Could tell him off

Could talk back

But something about him

Said to me

That if I did that

He’d make things worse

And get them

To do psycho surgery.

Mad Love in San Francisco on Valentine's Day!!

Bay Area Icarus was revived last summer, and we are officially full of surging, irreverent life.   We held our first event on Valentine's Day--Mad Love.  We had an open mic, a skilled MC, a cabaret of musicians and poets, and the evening skyrocketed to a close with the Brass Liberation Orchestra.

If you were there, you know.  If not, read on!  Almost as good. :)

How could you

How could you not know?

Don’t you care about me?

How could you not know?

We’ve talked about it

A zillion times.

How could you not know?

How could you

Do that

Against me.

Curl up and disappear

Curl up and disappear

That’s what happens

When I’m placed in a chemical weir
My fish has no place to go
And my fins become redundant
While in this cage
Of wait and be patient

Protesting my arrest

I protested loudly
I made myself heard
And even though alone
I raised the tone.

Tom's potential light-bulbs


There was a young man named Thomas
Who really didn’t show much promise.
His teacher said he was addled
And that he needed to be paddled
So from school he was dismissed.
Modern medicine has a name
Or so they like to claim
For Thomas Edison’s behaviour


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