Ten years ago in May 2000 I sold my soul to the Mother Goddess Hekate. I uttered a prayer out loud that went like this "To God almighty or the Devil himself or the Goddess who ever can help me meet a beautiful hippy woman on the North Coast of NSW, live a sustainable earth honouring lifestyle, raise children and become a great Blues and Roots musician. Forever will my eternal soul be remanded unto thee." I was 27 years old, three voices began talking to me as soon as I had uttered the prayer two men and one woman. I am now 37 and am in much the position that I asked to be in. I now understand that it was Katherine (Hekate) Goddess of Witchcraft Wilderness and Motherhood, Goddess of the Crossroads and the underworld (Ghosts) Emporess of the Universe to whome I sold my soul and I could not have made a better choice. 

My ten year journey to this place has been frought with homelessness, marginalisation, and hospitalisation but I have pulled through with a message for all voice hearers who will listen. Judaism and Christianity are evil and are the reason that one in four children in the western world suffer from sexually based child abuse. I will do my level best to illuminate this for you.

The bible encourages a casual lack of regard for the rights of the child from the onset. Jehova approached Abraham of the Dessert people the Habiru with an ultimatum "Abraham" he said "Take your little boy to the top of the mountain and slice his throught, do this and your desendants will out number the grains of sand on the beach." Abraham showed Jehova that like the desserts from wich he came he too was barren, empty, gutless, he showed Jehova that he was willing to sacrifice his little boy to a voice. Perverts are like that, they don't care for the well being of children but they all worship Jehova.

The sexualisation of children is institutionalised in Judaism and christianity. Jehova impregnated a 12 year old girl named Mary at her Batmitzva, they call this immaculate conception. Pedophiles view the impregnation of 12 year old girls as a good thing people. Yet Jews around the world for thousands of years have encouraged sexual activity at this age for little girls. If you dont believe me look up Batmitzva on wikipedia and have a good read. You will find that under Jewish law 12 year olds are encouraged to marry and experience sexuality. I assert that under Australian or in fact any law in the western world Jehova should be tried and convicted as a child sex offender. The worship of said pervert should be prohibited as it quite obviously encourages the reported instance of one in four children being sexually molested. 

Extreme violence against children is quite obviously encouraged and celebrated by Christians and Jews the world over. Solomon the allegedly wise asserted that two women both claiming to be mothers of the same infant child should slice the child in half and each take a piece. Once again a casual lack of regard for the rights of the child. Christians celebrate the Christmas tale; the most noteworthy event in which was a mass infanticide committed by King Herod in an attempt to slay Joshua Bin Nazereth. Surely such a story is worth commiseration and mourning rather than celebrating by letting your children sit on some strange mans lap just because he is wearing a red suit and is dolling out presents. Christians pay good money to photograph such events.

Their are approximatley  25 million voice hearers in the Western world the overwhelming majority have been abused as children, the overwhelming majority still practise the horrifying act of forgiveness. They forgive the aproximatley 250 million pedophiles to the extent that they more or less get away with it. You see people forgiveness; a Christian concept again; rewards these disgusting perverts with yet another opportunity to offend. If as a Society life imprisonment with hard labour were the lot of all perverts who moleste children then it would be a mathematical certainty that child abuse would desist. This is why the Earth Mother Hekate (Katherine) is so angry with you voice hearers. She is the goddess of the crossroads to the underworld and therefore the Goddess of Ghosts. These ghosts speak to you and actively encourage many of you to have Christian based experiences in the hopes that you will autonomously be reviled by the concepts therein and understand that it is your role in society to lobby for change. She does not hand out cheat sheets where as I obviously do.


Honouring the Mother Goddess and indeed offering your soul to her will allow you to set a bench mark within your selves that shoulders no forgiveness for perverts. Adopting as a central archetype a Mother, the Earth mother will allow you to understand your spirituality better. Because the parts of your humanity that work for the protection of women and children are what's best about you. 


Honour the Mother Goddess

Love your Lover when you have a lover and protect your Kith and Kin 


Kind Regards 

Gavin James Paola (an antichrist) :)

[email protected]