Surviving Burning Man

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I faced my fear and went to Burning Man this year. I knew it would be full of triggers, but I have wanted to go for some time and I have been feeling pretty bored with my life.

Icarus Collaborates On Wellness Center at Republican Convention Protest

Minneapolis MN USA Icarus organizers who are part of the North Star Health Collective are teaming up with Icaristas from NY and St. Louis to organize a jointly sponsored Wellness Center at the upcoming Republican National Convention Sept 1-4! Read more about the plan...

Rendezvous with Madness Film Festival

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Shorts and Features that Touch on Mental Illness and Addictions

Needing Alternative Funding From Big Pharma

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When planning events for the mental health communtiy, how can we not seek thousands of easy dollars from big pharmaceuticals?


It has been over two months since I first learned I might be bipolar. Since then, I have emerged out of depression and its medications, and into the experience of bipolarity, and its medications. I wonder, what would have happened if I hadn't asked about bipolar disorder in that appointment with the doctor?

Toronto Alternative Recovery Conference

“International Recovery Perspectives: Action on Alternatives” offers conference participants an opportunity to hear from distinguished researchers, advocates, authors, activists and clinical practitioners who are renowned for their work in alternatives for recovery. The conference is a collaborative initiative between the Leadership Project (Toronto) and the International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery (INTAR). Icarus Project collective members Molly Sprengelmeyer and Will Hall will be presenting for Icarus, Freedom Center, and Asheville Radical Mental Health.

My Talk at the Process Work Institute in Portland Oregon

My talk at the Process Work Institute school where I study in Portland Oregon, joined by Mouse from Reed College Icarus and Jason Renaud of the Mental Health Association of Portland. Includes an audio recording of the entire event.
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