Momma May Be Mad


It is time, Dear Readers, to fess up. Honesty is the guiding intention in my writing here. Not just a Tell-the-truth-when-asked-for-it honesty. The slippery version of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell which I’ve been practicing these days. “I’m doing better,” I say, deciding (Ha! Ha!) that I’m being asked about the Bipolar Disorder, not the Eating Disorder. Nor Dickinson’s “Tell all the Truth, but tell it slant—Success in Circuit lies”:
Q: “How often have you purged this week?” 
A: Shrug. “I don’t know,” I say, which is a kind of Truth, because I don’t have some secret spiral notebook where I’m keeping count, but not true because I should say, “Almost every day.”

No, the truth I’m trying to adhere to is forthrightness. No reticence, no dodgy “I’m fines,” but truth even when it hurts or feels shameful. Expose IT to the light and like a cockroach, IT will scurry away to ITs hidey-hole. 

I made an animation about hope and suicide

  I made an animation based on a song I wrote called "Once You Die."

The animation is posted on, under my name: Anne Beal, and the video title is "Once You Die."  

 here is the link --->

It is about my experience with suicide.  I animated only 20 seconds of the song; you can listen to the whole song at . 


how do I sleep?

The Albatross by Charles Baudelaire

I have a love-hate relationship with the Romantic poets, much like I have with bipolar disorder (and myself).


all over the place from panic to peace

So f&^%*ing Glad To Be Here!

I have found my village, even though I am 3000 miles away from it. Thank God for this site. I have so much to learn, so much to share from The Icarus Project.

Round and Round and Round I Go, Where I stop.....(you can fill in the rest)

As an introduction of myself to the Icarus community, I throw bits and pieces of my life into cyberspace, with no expectations.  This is really without risk.

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