Rocky Horror and Old Miss': Icarus Tour Continues in Chicago and Winona

The Icarus Tour continues with stops in Chicago Illinois and Winona (as in Ryder) Minnesota...

Gravel Angels and the Social Freak Brigade: The Icarus Project Comes to Virginia Tech

Icarus organizers Madigan Shive, Neil Gong, Sascha Scatter, Molly from Asheville, and Will Hall were invited to Virginia Tech to facilitate a dialog on mental health with students and other community members in the wake of the violent tragedy there... Includes photos and audio.

I'm on the Icarus Mad Gifts Week Tour...

I'm on the Mad Gifts Week tour '07 with my Icarus compas! For updates from the road, check out the Icarus organizational blog here.

The Making of the Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs

9 months of research, writing, editing, discussing, consulting, planning, designing, sweating, panicking, despairing, freaking out, emailing back and forth, mutual aid, dreaming, community solidarity, and crazy-outta-control mad love later, the much-awaited 40-page book about reducing and coming off psych meds hits the presses...

Friends Make the Best Medicine: Icarus Support Manual Draft

Download and print out the first draft of our long-awaited Support Manual, titled Friends Make the Best Medicine: A Guide to Creating Community Mental Health Support Networks.

Icarus Chat Rooms

We now have 2 experimental chat rooms; check the links on the local radical mental health contacts listing on the right sidebar of the main site. We started with one room but people didn't like it, so we decided to encourage more and treat them as local autonomous initiatives.

Handouts on Group Facilitation

A collection of cool teachings on group facilitation borrowed mostly from the Rockwood Institute for a Freedom Center training, downloadable as a pdf.

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