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First Post: Friends call me "Page"

I like to call it "IT" and "IT" started in 1992 and I was diagnosed and labeled Bi-Polar in 1996.  The "chemical imbalance" motto ran it's course with the prescriptions. In the fall of 1999 the ground beneath me fell away as the world around me shattered. The year 2000 was the darkest year in my life thus far, turning thirty-three felt like I died and became a different creature.  This is where the title of the post comes in, the only evil ONE that I have ever known is my own "EGO" and "Page" was the way to beat it. "Page" evetually brought harmony and balance to my mind. My heart is different and so is my mind, it feels like much weight has been relieved and it's now light.

Having an enemy as a new friend is the ultimate victory and there is much to fill between the lines but I'm glad to have reached this first step.


Cybernetic Dreams

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I wrote this awhile ago when I was manic.

Very Confused

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Hello. I can't seem to log in to the discussion forum... but I can log in to the main site. I am very cvonfused. Anyways. hello Icarus. I think about you all the time. mad love, nancy

Crisis Plan Chapter from Wrap

Crisis plan chapter from the wellness recovery action plan, good for Mad Maps and advance directives.

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