Allright. I guess I'll update this thing. Three entries in a month? That's a lot right? Not so much. Gratitude is my favorite feeling, because it's one that I never bothered to acknowledge before my sobriety. It's beyond just "I'm alive" today too. That's a great gift too, but sometimes I want more than being alive.

I love public transportation, for the conversation. I have two or three very strong networks right now. Particular people that I love and get along with, and those groups of people are important to me. I do, though, need to constantly push myself to be open to new people and new worlds all the time to avoid being locked into one set of views. I met a Persian guy who discussed with me some good topics, from politics, to culture, to education. He asked for my number and I gave it to him. At first thought he came off as romanticly interested in me, but I don't think that's the case. I've met a few Persian guys who came off as a little gay to me, but weren't. Can't put a finger on exactly how I got that impression, but it is what it is. Just a cultural thing I guess.

After he got off the bus, another guy got on. He was talking to the bus driver about how he got lifted by the cops after getting off the bus the other night. He was asking her how drunk he was and how empty the bottle was. Said he used to drink Gin, but he switched to Vodka because he didn't act as crazy. *cough cough*alcoholic*cough cough*. Said he was already on probation and in ADS. Turned out we were getting off the same bus stop, so we continued our conversation. Some how we got on the topic of addiction, and I shared with him a little bit of my story. No I don't drink either. That's a drug. He's aware, and yes it's the only one that can kill you during withdrawal. Said he used to go to meetings but he "completed" that part of his ADS program. Said he would find me on facebook and we could talk. I hope he does. I'd love to help another addict, you know?

I'm also in love. That's one of the greatest gifts I've got. I'm in love the most beautiful girl I know, and she loves me too. I could write sooo much about her, but I need to go to bed. Already gave her a poem anyways :) Things are going better every day with her. I get closer to her all the time, and hanging out with her helps me be happy and grow as a person. Love helps me see life in a better light. I wasn't seeing love in life as much for a while there, but it's showing again.
