The Icarus Project offers a variety of zines, books, posters, postcards, and stickers that you can distribute in your community and use for yourself.

To order individual copies of our reader, Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness, please get in touch with our main distributor, AK Press.

To get copies of our support manual, stickers, postcards, or posters, or to order more than 5 copies of our reader, please e-mail us directly at: orders AT theicarusproject DOT net.

Some popular downloads:

More downloads:

If you're looking for radical mental health related zines, check out the Bay Area Radical Mental Health Collective lunAcy distro page .

Icarus Promotional Postcards

Related topics:
icarus postcard thumbnailBeautiful full-color promotional postcards with images from Eric Drooker and Ashley McNamara. Cards are available by mail or by download.

Skillshares, Trainings, and Speaking Engagements

Related topics:
Icarus staff have done public speaking across the US and even in Europe, we've organized skillshares, and we ar developing trainings for organizers and peer counselors. We work on an ability-to-pay basis: if you might want to set something up in your community, contact us!

Link to Icarus!

Related topics:
Code to copy and paste for an Icarus button/badge/banner on your site or blog, as well as the Icarus news and photo feeds.

Madness Radio

Icarus and Freedom Center co-sponsor a radio show hosted by Will Hall on all things madness-related, syndicated through the Pacifica community radio network and broadcast on WXOJ-LPFM in Northampton Massachusetts, KBOO in Oregon,  KWMD in Anchorage Alaska, as well as podcasting and on iTunes. Guests range from author Kate Bornstein and Adbusters publisher Kalle Lasn to Freedom Center and Icarus Project members and anyone who has been through extreme states of madness, advocates, authors, and scientists. Ask your local station to broadcast the show!

Check it out at; archives, and in Itunes.

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