The Benign Conspiracy
Submitted by thebenignconspiracy on Thu, 03/01/2007 - 8:57pmThroughout my life I have been called ADHD, Schizotypal, PTSD, depressive, paranoid, and just plain crazy. I am currently hiding behind enemy lines in a conservative clinical psychology master's program and they have no fucking idea who they have allowed to take her place in their elitist little clique. It has become painfully obvious to me that the psychological community is not interested in producing creative, understanding, validating, and empathic human beings, but rather takes every opportunity to destroy all that makes one human being capable of helping another. If they had their druthers, we would all be brey figures standing against a grey background.
R.D. Laing once refered to psychology and psychiatry as the benign conspiracy. I think it is safe to say that it has metastisized. I joined this site because I have realized that my being a quiet subversive undermining from within is nothing more that a pretty delusion and this seems like a small step in the right direction.
Well, that's me. More ranting and raving to come.
hey, there, benign conspiracy!
it's great to meet you! I, myself, am waiting to hear back from a conservative MSW program about pursuing the completion of my degree (I left halfway through out of frustration and depression). The more of "us" they have behind enemy lines, the better off folks will be. Please stay the course. I didn't and I may end up being canned because of it.
in solidarity,
I am in it for the long haul as much as a I vacilate between rage and despair. I just feel that I am losing myself in the mass of conformity driven automotons.I am in a class where the teacher (seriously) tells us that we need to wear a mask of 'authenticity' but that if we put too much of ourselves into the therapeutic relationship we will get sucked into our clients problems. And then I tore out my own eyes and ate them. (not really, but the thought did occur to me). Anyhoo, good luck with life and your goals, it is good to know that I am not the only one.
hey, as per my post on "APA took my baby away", if you ever want to be in touch about these issues in the future, send me an email at
another question
dear benign,
I know you are just beginning your journey, but I have a few questions for you related to therapy. You see, I am in therapy right now with a new therapist (have been in an dout of therapy for 7 years) for trauma related issues. Sometimes I think I am in there really to just be listened to and cared about and that maybe these are the wrong reasons to be in therapy. How does a therapist help a person get closer to themselves, as you say, by also getting closer to them, without it becoming like a co-counseling situation? What responsibilitydoes a therapist have to theindividual that the individual does not have to the therapist, or not tothe extent?