Xenophobia is now a diagnosable and treatable mental illness. Being is a delusion and a phobia, it also has obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It is violent and disruptive to the community. Scientists have long been working on ways to cure it. They now can.

The pills to cure all forms of racism, like most psychiatric drugs, are made out of rat faeces. The difference with the racism pill is that mice faeces have also been combined. As the saying goes then, ‘shit happens’ in the mind of the patient who becomes physically too ill with abdominal cramps and vomiting to even think about insulting someone of another race. The patient will then suffer numerous biological malfunctions that will incapacitate them further. Their life expectancy will be shortened and the community will be safe from their raciest menace.
Racism pills are just one of the many wonders of modern medicine. Scientists are also working on pills to cure prejudice and discrimination, however, we have to find a legal loophole for psychiatrists who need to discriminate and prejudge as part of their important law enforcement job for the greatness of pharms.