Psychiatry...a disordered science!

The truth about psychiatry told by psychiatrists a 4 minute video really worth watching!!!!

Pills to cure racism

Xenophobia is now a diagnosable and treatable mental illness. Being is a delusion and a phobia, it also has obsessive-compulsive tendencies. It is violent and disruptive to the community. Scientists have long been working on ways to cure it. They now can.

Care and punishment

Once upon a time I thought it would be interesting to talk to a doctor about emotional problems. I thought, they would be good because they could listen confidentially and would know ways to direct me that would help me out of the bad feelings I had. I was so young and self-centred I forgot to think about what they were actually thinking. I only thought of my own story.

Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin

Bipolar author goes from Rock Bottom to Rock ON! In "Lipstick and Thong in the Loony Bin" Courtney A. Walsh offers a survival story of hope healing and humor about the taboo subject of suicide. Pandora's Box? OPEN....
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