Mad Gifts: An Art Show

The Icarus Project is curating a Northeast regional art show at Small World Coffee in Princeton, NJ for the month of November. 

flyer by TheAntisocialite ->


Madness Radio Interview With Icarus Co-Founder Sascha DuBrul

Madness Radio Madness Radio just broadcast an hour interview with Sascha DuBrul, Icarus Project co-founder, on the history of Icarus  and his visions for the future, including punk rock, Mad Pride, spirituality, and challenging the identity of bipolar. You can listen to the interview here.

Evergreen College Icarus' New Zine

Check out the new zine by Evergreen State College Icarus in Olympia Washington!

Coming Off Medications Workshop Censored at Alternatives Conference

UPDATE: The National Empowerment Center has reversed its controversial decision amid public outcry, including the emails and calls of many Icaristas, and the workshop will be restored. Read about the reversal here: 

Crooked Beauty DVDs available

Related topics:

Crooked Beauty, Ken Paul Rosenthal's poetic documentary that chronicles TIP co-founder Jacks Ashley McNamara’s transformative journey from psych ward patient to pioneering mental health advocacy--IS COMPLETE!!! DVD'S can be purchased as of October 1, 2010 via:

Summer Update from TIP

Hola to our friends and comrades near and far -- Here's what's happening across the rad madlands. Please feel free to forward to allies, comrades, friends, and family.

Updates on the USSF, our current financial status, art shows in the northeast, books we're reading, forum moderation changes, and more behind the link.

Local group updates on the way.

Thanks to all USSF Workshop attendees

Thanks to all of our workshop attendees for "Our radical mental health as activists" this morning at the USSF. We were so excited for your thoughts and energy and passion around creating mutual aid support systems for mental and emotional health.

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