Icarus 2011: Local Group Reports (US)

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Report backs from Gainesville, Pittsburgh, DC, Seattle, RVA, Madison, Fargo and New Mexico. Also some news from allied groups and projects. Your local group's happenings not listed? Please email us at info@theicarusproject.net and let us know what you've been up to! 

“THE OPPOSITE OF BEING DEPRESSED” an interview with Sascha Altman DuBrul

At this point I’ve read my history. I learned about the European Enlightenment, made sense of where the philosophies of the sub-culture I came from drew their historical understanding. Marxism is in some ways very Biblical. There are a lot of things about Buddhist philosophy that are pretty punk. All of these things eventually overlap. I don’t think there’s any future in de-spiritualized communities, or cultures. You can look at the Left in the United States, and how much better the religious right is at organizing, because they have God on their side. Compare that to my mom in her apartment in Manhattan, reading the Nation magazine. For myself, it came from having what I didn’t realize at the time were spiritual experiences– in the punk scene, with the anarchists...


Richmond VA Local Group selling T-Shirts

The Mind(ful) Liberation Project in Richmond, VA - an Icarus-inspired local group - is selling some great "Peer Support Now" t-shirts to fund their distro work. Check em out and buy 1 or 2.

$7 each, get them while you can

Bay Area Icarus Hosts Community Discussion: An Integrative Approach to Madness

"If madness isn’t what biopsychiatry says it is, what is it? If we don’t agree with what biopsychiatry says, then we probably don’t agree with the treatment practices. For us to have some kind of intelligible answer to a first-year psychiatry intern who can tell you: it’s a brain disorder and every minute that it’s not being medicated, there’s irreparable damage being done.  The people who fund the research are the big phama companies that psychiatry represents.  A psychiatrist now can see 30-40 clients a day. Psychiatry says: this group of Icarus folks can sing Kumbaya all you want, but we own it.  I don’t believe that."

UK Screenings of Crooked Beauty

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Crooked Beauty is a poetic documentary that chronicles The Icarus Project's co-founder Jacks McNamara’s transformative journey from psych ward inpatient to pioneering mental health advocacy. It will be screening at 3 festivals in the UK this fall. Come out if you are in England or Scotland!

Wax and Feathers Zine

This Wax and Feathers zine was a collaborative work by a group of super talented folks who post on the Icarus Project forums.

They write in the intro:

waxandfeatherscover"In expressing our feelings, insights, and ideas about madness and the world around us we hope to inform and inspire others. The stories told by the psychiatric establishment, pharmaceutical industry, and the mainstream media all to often overshadow our own. By sharing our stories with others we can reclaim the right to define ourselves and our experiences. We choose to honor our uniqueness and complexity by letting our voices be heard."

Download it! Print it out! Share it with your peeps! Mad Love!


Hurting yourself

Self-injury is a common behavior in our society. Only a few forms are seen as problematic. Shame often thwarts an open exchange about experiences. "Hurting yourself" is a workbook that aims at encouraging reflection and generating awareness of various different aspects of self-injury from a non-coercive, self-compassionate, and harm reduction perspective.





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