and then i woke up. and wondered: what happened?

and then i woke up.  so now what?

(and then, various ramblings about events since waking up, and asking: what now)

Here we go again

If amphetamines indeed have me jogging on a hamster wheel, can I get one of those clear balls instead? So I can get out a bit more?


Warped Speed Mind Healing

Visit the blog for more philosophical rhyming.

Bay Area Icarus Hosts Community Discussion: An Integrative Approach to Madness

"If madness isn’t what biopsychiatry says it is, what is it? If we don’t agree with what biopsychiatry says, then we probably don’t agree with the treatment practices. For us to have some kind of intelligible answer to a first-year psychiatry intern who can tell you: it’s a brain disorder and every minute that it’s not being medicated, there’s irreparable damage being done.  The people who fund the research are the big phama companies that psychiatry represents.  A psychiatrist now can see 30-40 clients a day. Psychiatry says: this group of Icarus folks can sing Kumbaya all you want, but we own it.  I don’t believe that."

Greek Translation -- Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in Greek - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Marianna Kefallinou and Katerina Tsantila and the design work of Vassilis Betsis. You can download the Greek version here.

Οδηγός Μείωσης της Βλάβης για τη Διακοπή των Ψυχιατρικών Φαρμάκων

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