
I’m not embarrassed anymore about what happens to me in times of stress. It’s simply that I sleep-wake. My dream/nightmare becomes wrapped up into my waking life via a belief system that has buoyed me. My cure for that is to be an atheist and to always regard what my friends say highly. Sometimes their advice and direction is better than my own thinking. So, I want to keep an open mind to the possibility that sometimes the things I think are symbols rather than reality. Reality is connecting and understanding my friends and communicating with them in a way that makes sense to both of us.

Percipience, outside the range of understood sense


Percipience, is available on amazon.com and https://www.createspace.com/3382902

Riding with Morpheus

It’s not exactly sleep-walking, it’s more sleep-waking, but it’s somewhere in between worlds, a limbo of not quite awake to reasoning and logic and not asleep to people and things around. In this state of sleep-waking the person is able to move and think about what is going on. But it’s like two things are happening, the waking world and the dream world and the person is experiencing both at once

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