Perceptual Diversity

Many of these perceptual processes are transrational, altered state of consciousness (meditation, trance, dreams, imagination) and are not considered valid processes for accessing knowledge by science (which is based primarily upon quantification, reductionism, and the experimental method).”

Riding with Morpheus

It’s not exactly sleep-walking, it’s more sleep-waking, but it’s somewhere in between worlds, a limbo of not quite awake to reasoning and logic and not asleep to people and things around. In this state of sleep-waking the person is able to move and think about what is going on. But it’s like two things are happening, the waking world and the dream world and the person is experiencing both at once

a love story, or Necrocity and mutilation as a religious experience

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they are in an abandoned fairground.  there are patches of grass amidst the mudded walkways.  brokendown pieces of carnival rides and dividing fences are scattered haphazardly covered in rust.  the sun colors the sky the sort of muted yellow that late afternoons in autumn bring.  shadows cast along the ground obscure moving figures.  there are people at a distance but they keep a slow shuffle.

The temple of the ocean's floor

The ferry, heavily arboured with cypress and mangrove trees seems to dip fearlessly low in the water, skimming  like a slow floating island.


last post

so really i don't know if this will be my last post on this site. alots happened but in the scope of things nothings really changed.

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