
From http://forthelonghaul.org: I wrote this poem at 2AM; it’s dark, but no doubt a part of me as I stumble along in this journey of recovery. I have good days and bad, but no matter what I am happy to be alive.


Sometimes i wonder,
why i even bother,
to engage in a world that doesn’t care whether i live or die,
because life is not an instrument,
measured and anointed.
Free will is a mere nuisance,
where control is the jurisprudence.
But then why do we even try,
if our mark goes unnoticed,
our trace goes un-tracked.
Our voice muted by the violence,
of an ever growing tyrant,
whose name shall go unmentioned,
but whose deed shall give all nightmares.


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This is a fun one! Aloha, Cindy


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Aloha, My name is Cynthia, most people call me Cindy. I'm a Poet/ Writer living in Kailua-Kona, HI..

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I hope that all of you like my poem... The Universe! Aloha, Cindy

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