SHOCK OF THE TASER - Video footage of public forum held in Toronto

The recent horrifying death of Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver Airport has provoked an international outcry over the indiscriminate police use of Tasers.

Psychiatry is punitive - wherever you find it!

I've become embroiled in a discussion about how psychiatry is being utilized within the prison system as an additional means of punishment under the guise of 'penal reform'. No doubt psychiatry is inherently punitive when it functions in this capacity as partner to the judicial apparatus. But this is to say nothing of those innocents who find themselves incarcerated and punished in psychiatric prisons (euphemistically referred to as 'hospitals') without even having broken any laws. (This actually means the vast majority of psychiatric 'patients'.)

We demand rights NOW - but it might take a while...

At the end of the day, 'partial equality' is not an option. What's important is for us to be able to figure out what is realistically achievable over the short, medium and long term.

Beauty is where you find it - a snowy night's walk

Feeling restless, this evening I made one of my now rare post-sunset forays on foot out onto the streets of my part of the city.

Toronto's Psychiatric Gestapo

Several years back, the City of Toronto initiated a 'pilot project' where a male psychiatric nurse would be teamed up with a plainclothes cop on patrol in the city's east downtown.

Ideally, solidarity and support should be a right!

I've run into a situation of blatant discrimination in my own home city. While I'm not going to go into specifics about this case, the complicating factor is that it arises out of a situation that many would not consider 'politically correct', ergo, the person involved is considered by some as perhaps not deserving of support or protection.

"What do you 'DO'........?"

This is the question I dread the most. It is also the query that is made of me in the initial stages of just about every acquaintanceship. And whenever it is asked, invariably said ship is sunk.
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