some random tanka

some random tanka...

my friend's music notes
in her hands, opened my heart
and I sang out my tears.
rain came down yesterday
scenting the desert air

Rough Draft of Song in Which Mina Wrote the Words and I Wrote the Music Here

Related topics:
Mina's Earthmama Blues Here

getting better, my music link

gradually improving but my lungs hurt. i was throwing up so badly some got in the lungs. i go to the doctor tomorrow. it is a three hour ordeal to get there and back but oh well.

can hardly write

well i wrote a feverish editorial to submit to zyprexa kills. i hope it is not too feverish. now i need to start a equetro kills campaign and all else kills...ugh but i have bad luck with all meds.

just a fever thought

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something rippled
in this fever haze
but rosie the cat saw it too
and jumped
and things came at me
like a black hole over the brain

why do they give me this poisonous crap

i did not create this hell. the new age seeps in everywhere and people say you create your own suffering, i don't believe a word of it. what does it take to get through to people.


i am going to have to quit the equetro. i sleep more on it but that is cause i am very ill. i dont know what is what. this affects the immune system. now the tooth is acting up too.
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