fabulous furry freak sister

nightgown hags rule! yeah...

the non-xmas

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xmas was ok. i moped some, got the runs some but overall because it was a non-xmas it was ok. we had 7/11 pizza finally at 2 am. he slept all day.

will i ever sleep

sick and manic. yay. well manic enough...not euphorically so, but agitatedly so and unable to sleep, and still feeling the sick, not able to rise above it, not that kind of mania.


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night owls make coffee
leave too many lights on at times
or burn candles when awake enough
they have tendencies to leave the body
to go on evening flights<

the church of saint john coltrane

i totally could understand why they say john coltrane is a saint and they made a church dedicated to him as a saint and to music, they worship through jamming.


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the anger subsided
it was a raging fire in my belly
it rose up and i blew out fire for a while
and then swallowed it back down,
a circus act, downtown

non-compliant, again

had a few hours sleep. oh man, need to watch out for cayenne when you have ibs. it seems. still i am grateful to be able to pee again. that was a nightmare.

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