Have a Happy Period :)

AGHHH TV is evil. but sometimes i like this evil drug. like i like six feet under. i like that a lot. am i in a morbid phase?

sense of urgency and emergency

is this intuition? or is it the new med. or is it ptsd. or is it bipolar agitation or is it that a big chunk of the arctic melted? i feel that dread again.

my mood, my friend

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well i hate to brag.

babbling about dream time etc, my messed up feet etc.

i am so sad. and happy too. mixed up. j made me laugh a lot today, so there is a lot of joy here. but sorrow too. i am so sad. for my aunt who almost died on xmas.


i am spending huge amounts of time playing the sims. it is a bit obsessive. i go through phases like that.

half asleep or 3/4 asleep

it is all syrupy druggy feeling this beyond-over tiredness, passed the giddy phase into these choppy dreams on the fold out futon watching the sky change out the window occasionally.

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