Bed Push! - Escape from Psychiatry - Northampton MA

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Bed Push! Escape from Psychiatry! In Search of Better Treatments! Northampton, MA. Check Freedom Center website. A riotous good time for all -- bring your hospital gown!


The beginning of a fantastic journey that has already begun.

An EcoPsych Mashup

Obviously I'm not the first to feel that much of the rest of the world is crazy for calling me crazy... That I'm disabled by others' assumptions about reality... that the entire world is being categorized and commodified and homogenized and sterilized via some bizarre eugenic compulsion. I've seen some great posts here touching on things like shamanism and permaculture as a sort of radical and horizontal eco-psycho-social therapy... as a way we can sort of begin to put our lives in order with 'nature'... and I wanted to contribute to that with this short ecopsychology primer from Theodore Roszak. (Along with a few choice quotes from my ever-growing list.)

Icarus Chat Rooms

We now have 2 experimental chat rooms; check the links on the local radical mental health contacts listing on the right sidebar of the main site. We started with one room but people didn't like it, so we decided to encourage more and treat them as local autonomous initiatives.

Holistic Treatment Plans this Thursday, June 28th in Minneapolis

create a map to guide yourself and your allies along in the event of mental health crisis or activist burnout

Handouts on Group Facilitation

A collection of cool teachings on group facilitation borrowed mostly from the Rockwood Institute for a Freedom Center training, downloadable as a pdf.

San Francisco Icarus Project Meeting

San Francisco Icarus Project Meeting
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