Integrative Health Fair, April 09

Integrative Health Fair, April 09

at NYU...

Harm Reduction Guide in German Translation - Harm Reduction-Leitfaden zum risikoarmen Absetzen von Psychopharmaka

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in German - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Inez Kochius.


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 I just wanted to introduce myself to the Icarus Project. I'm going through a lot right now. I am trying to go back to work. I have been working part time, but need to get back full time.

Icarus in Wiretap Magazine: Navigating Madness On Campus

Icarus co-coordinator Annie Robinson just had an essay published in the activist youth web magazine WireTap: Landing With Icarus: Navigating Madness On Campus:

I remember vividly the day I met my first psychiatrist.... She was going to help me find a way to deal with the raging voices that had been telling me to seek control of my life by abusing my body, to quell the debilitating sadness and lethargy that kept me sunken in my bed nearly every day. The fact that my best friend was dying of bone cancer came up, but had little to do with her treatment plan. Eventually she came up the answer: Seroquel. Over the following eight years I was subjected to an onslaught of chemical cocktails corresponding to a long list of diagnoses cast upon me...


Laundry Day Poem

Related topics:

I know your game, poet -- how
your words came to rest there, having fallen
from where they were to where
they must be,
like the day when I do laundry.

RGR Construction, Ltd. is a full service home improvement company

RGR Construction, Ltd. is a full service home improvement company based in Wadsworth, Ohio and servicing Cuyahoga, Summit, Medina, Stark, and Portage Counties.

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