RGR Construction of Wadsworth

Finding a reliable contractor is probably the single most important aspect to successful completion of any home improvement project.

The Icarus Project Late Summer 2009 Update

River swimming, cross country touring, backyard (vegan) barbecuing,
bicycle rambling, gardening/ harvesting/ gleaning -- summer is here. Late summer, to be precise, which is the fifth season in chinese medicine, with a tempo and mood all its own. The Icarus Project has been spreading and connecting, swarming and flowing in multiple omni-directions over the past four months, gathering and connecting a community of radical-minded visionaries to change the world and nurture mental wellness. Here's a recap and some website art as we enter the last few weeks of glorious summer and welcome the coming fall...

The Icarus Project and USNUSP collaborate on "Human Rights for ALL" Tour

In June and July, Leah Harris and Daniel Hazen of the U.S. Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry organized a "Human Rights for ALL" tour,  co-sponsored by many organizations include The Icarus Project, MindFreedom, CAFETY, and the Freedom Center. The tour was designed to raise awareness about human rights and particularly the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). Read Leah's report here...

Madness: Attacking The Heart

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Everyday people with mental problems face struggles. The struggle sometimes can never subside until death reaches out to make its forever lasting mark. Happy could seem as if it is a long road away or be swept the same second it comes.


Recovering Anorexic... Struggling Depressive

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Campus Icarus at Evergreen College Mad Pride Week

distributing literature with Icarus wingsCampus Icarus Project at Evergreen State College organized a week of Mad Pride events June 1-5, including film showings, discussions and presentations, a spoken word gathering, vigil, a string labyrinth in the campus square, acupuncture demonstration, activist strategy, and more...

first icarus meeting tonight

icarus virgin no more.         

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