so many anniversaries and ways to keep the time.

okay so. it's been a while. well actually it's never been, since i've never blogged here. chatted in the forums but not blogged. i go in and out.

Considering Going Off The Meds

Since the age of 6, I've had Schizophrenia. Or at least, that's what the mental health physicians have told me. I don't really feel insane. I don't experience delusions or hallucinations.

Harm Reduction Guide in German Translation - Harm Reduction-Leitfaden zum risikoarmen Absetzen von Psychopharmaka

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in German - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Inez Kochius.

the one thing that wasn't taken away


my soul seems like 
it's floating over my body, 
watching it drown...

Round and Round and Round I Go, Where I stop.....(you can fill in the rest)

As an introduction of myself to the Icarus community, I throw bits and pieces of my life into cyberspace, with no expectations.  This is really without risk.

Lamictal Almost Killed My Close Friend

105 degree fever, close brush with death, and weeklong hospital ordeal with four days in critical care -- directly the result from off-label prescription for the so-called "mood stabilizer" Lamictal.

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