So here's my problem: I'm a lesbian who is not butch or femme or androgynous.  I am actually personally offended by the butch/femme dichotomy, because it is just a way of recreating the patriarchial power structure of society and some heterosexual relationships between two women (or two men). This is madness! As a lesbian I feel I have this opportunity to start with a blank slate in my relationships, to start in a place that is without the bullshit, artificially constructed gender stereotypes that many heterosexual couples have to struggle with. I have the opportunity to create something completely new and free of societal pressure. I mean, let's face it, we're already considered deviants so why go to all this trouble to live up to the expectations of a society that has made it perfectly clear it will never accept us.

But it seems that at every turn I am being judged by heterosexuals and homosexuals alike because I happen to like to dress up like both Humphrey Bogart and Marylin Monroe, because no one 'wears the pants' in my relationships we are equal partners and one of us is not 'the guy', we're just people.  I feel as though some of my fellow queers have done me and themselves a great disservice by creating themselves in the image and likeness of the heterosexual. Heterosexuals have had it beaten into them that relationships have to be between a man who fits the masculine stereotype and a woman who fits the feminine stereotypes since they were in the womb, what's our excuse for being so fucked up?

Fuck the sexual revolution, we need a gender revolution. And if you don't like it, I suggest you get the hell out of our way.