We demand rights NOW - but it might take a while...

At the end of the day, 'partial equality' is not an option. What's important is for us to be able to figure out what is realistically achievable over the short, medium and long term.

Toronto's Psychiatric Gestapo

Several years back, the City of Toronto initiated a 'pilot project' where a male psychiatric nurse would be teamed up with a plainclothes cop on patrol in the city's east downtown.

Ideally, solidarity and support should be a right!

I've run into a situation of blatant discrimination in my own home city. While I'm not going to go into specifics about this case, the complicating factor is that it arises out of a situation that many would not consider 'politically correct', ergo, the person involved is considered by some as perhaps not deserving of support or protection.

Recovery - Just Another 'Mental Health' System Buzzword?

To be honest, the concept of 'recovery' is being turned into just another buzzword from the 'mental health' industry. In reality, the only 'recovery' the system appears to promote or perceive as possible is within the context of the existing medical model, through aggressive lifelong tinkering with peoples' brain chemistry or genetic makeup, and with diagnosed people still expected to occupy the same narrow, oppressive social niche as has been the case all along.

An open note to folks who go on about 'chemtrails' (Updated)

My bullshit detector's been activated once again.

another rant about the normative mental health system

it's more obvious every day that this society is not working.

My frustration runneth over!

It angers me beyond all imagination that psychiatric incarceration, police brutality, forced drugging and complete negation of our humanity or worth is the best our supposedly 'enlightened' society can offer to distressed people.
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