Right to Health vs. Right to Personal Autonomy

Personally, I see no conflict here. By 'right to health' I take it that a diversity of resources, products, services etc. that can help restore, maintain or promote a healthful quality of life ought to be available and universally accessible. (Personally, I would also include nutritious food, decent housing and community engagement among the above).



Notes from my Argentina Trip

Mental Disability Rights International and the Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales needed a spanish-speaking psychiatric survivor with group facilitation and grassroots organizing skills. So I got a call: Would I go to Argentina to work on the campaign to reform the country's asylum system? Here's a report on my fascinating trip to the land of Che and Milongas...

Mental Health Parity Act of 2007

In the United States having a mental illness carries a stigma.

International day for Persons with disAbilities.

I spoke at work for the International Day for Persons with disAbilities. I did not disclose I pretended to have depession.

"You should be raped"

Well I know it has been a while since I have written here...what to say. I have a livejournal which I have liked for the most part.

Leaving the Mainstream for the Ocean...

Bipolar author of "Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin" describes the limits of psycho-logical language, the contraints vs. liberation of diagnoses and how symptoms are signals to pay attention to, but not be afraid of necessarily...
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