Icarus in Wiretap Magazine: College Mental Health: A Different Diagnosis

Annie Robinson's article "College Mental Health: A Different Diagnosis" is in Wiretap Magazine, a leading online youth activist website: School health providers are supposed to act in the best interests of the student. But who it is that gets to define these "best interests" is a subject for debate among students and counseling staff.

Integrative Health Fair, April 09

Integrative Health Fair, April 09

at NYU...

Harm Reduction Guide in German Translation - Harm Reduction-Leitfaden zum risikoarmen Absetzen von Psychopharmaka

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in German - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Inez Kochius.

more on Alternative to Meds Center (3)

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part 2 of what I am doing here.

more on Alternative to Meds Center

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Alternative to Meds Center, San Francisco

I just started to work here and like what they are doing- a holistic approach to help people withdraw from psych drugs (and street drugs).  More info to come.


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