Given the strained and occasionally deadly nature of the overall relationship between psychiatric survivors and law enforcement agencies, it really begs the question: should the police even become involved in situations where someone is experiencing an emotional or mental crisis?

Sunshining but I still feel disconnected sometimes

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Good day today.

Log of a manic recoverer...

Today I begin the return to med free living!!!!


A logging of a manic panic attack emerged after a silence of more than 30yrs, in the self-styled robes of an autopsychoanalyst

Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs & Withdrawal

The Icarus Project and Freedom Center's 40-page guide gathers the best information we've come across and the most valuable lessons we've learned about reducing and coming off psychiatric medication. Includes info on mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, risks, benefits, wellness tools, withdrawal, detailed Resource section, information for people staying on their medications, and much more. A 'harm reduction' approach means not being pro- or anti-medication, but supporting people to make their own decisions balancing the risks and benefits involved. Written by Will Hall, with a 14-member health professional Advisory board providing research assistance and 24 other collaborators involved in developing and editing. The guide has photographs and art throughout, and a beautiful original cover painting by Ashley McNamara. Download a .pdf to read or a 'zine version to print and fold into a booklet (instructions included). Published copies also available through orders(at)theicarusproject(dot)net.

Also available in Spanish. Tambien disponible en Castellano/ Espanol.


Also available in German

Also available in Greek

Toronto Alternative Recovery Conference

“International Recovery Perspectives: Action on Alternatives” offers conference participants an opportunity to hear from distinguished researchers, advocates, authors, activists and clinical practitioners who are renowned for their work in alternatives for recovery. The conference is a collaborative initiative between the Leadership Project (Toronto) and the International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery (INTAR). Icarus Project collective members Molly Sprengelmeyer and Will Hall will be presenting for Icarus, Freedom Center, and Asheville Radical Mental Health.

Madness And Disability Rights - Portland Oregon w/ Will Hall

Will Hall gives a talk in Portland Oregon on Diverse-Ability rights. Check out the flyer here.
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