A letter to my ageing psychology-expert father

A letter to my father backing him up radically, while coaching the idea of seeking to "hold our own" --with our intuitive champion excellence-- amongst and in the context of a heavily-propagandized colonial society with its meta orders for how its subjects "must" act at all times. Men and women (who are tired of not "fitting in"). We all have or Ordered roles to "play" but after awhile, and especially as we are forced to face the Great Unknown of passing on from this life, we naturally begin to dissent. Usually we're way too unpracticed in this, and much less articulate. Here, my father and i at least have a rudimenatry bridge. Stay tuned to possibly read an edited version of my father's possible response (tho not likely, i hope he writes me back!).

Drugs are good!!!!!!

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Used some greek keywords on bipolar disorder and no meds.

Came up with nothing.

Drugs are good.

Dispatch from the Front Lines - What's Not Okay in Kindergarten

I work part-time as an Instructional Assistant for a boy who is diagnosed only as being "Emotionally Disturbed" - ED (like you need to have some sort of doctorate to diagnose that). I hang out with him throughout his struggles in Kindergarten and implement his IEP (Individualized Education Program).

Boys and girls, Kindergarten is a fucked up place. It's very safe - if you follow the rules. You'll be fine - if you follow the rules. I realized on Day One of this job that everyone put through this system is being trained to become perfect bank tellers.

Introducing myself

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Gee, I wish this blog interface wasn't so confusing and that I had to check my email for a generated password instead of using the one I inputted into the account creation area.


Trying to figure out how it is that I can enter the conversation! Sorry, new to all of this and on a very steep learning curve.

Everybody knows this is nowhere

"...and we will build a new world from the ashes of the old."

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