more on birds

wow the verdin are back

The Leafcutter Ants and the Doves

The other night I was leaning against the tree in a very comfortable spot but realized the leafcutter ants were up to something so I got out of their way, to see so many of them going by like a great river.


Finding Acceptance in the Face of Tongue-Time Anomalies

Telling the story of a moment is something that is impossible fully to do, and nevertheless it is something that must be attempted.

To missmix - not to worry about the spiders!

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I live in Toronto, Canada which pretty much rules out either of the species you mentioned.


June 18, 2007 - Maybe this is some kind of bizarre test. This spring has beset me with a succession of of petty nightmares of a type designed to induce madness even in the hardiest of souls.

The Critter Crusades (Pt. 3 - The War That Never Ends)

So, here we go yet again. Word came to me today that a vacating tenant on the floor below me left behind a massive infestation of bed bugs.

As a precaution, that entire floor is being sprayed - along with the ones immediately above and below it.

So once again it's time to break my back prepping for a legalized home invasion, complete with chemical weapons.

The lessons I learned from a spider

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