The snow covers the ground it covers the mountains
What a wonderful scene I see out my window

Beauty is where you find it - a snowy night's walk

Feeling restless, this evening I made one of my now rare post-sunset forays on foot out onto the streets of my part of the city.

An open note to folks who go on about 'chemtrails' (Updated)

My bullshit detector's been activated once again.

My Anti-Airport Action to Alleviate Climate Change

How to blag (cheat) 2 fulfil an activist pledge

An EcoPsych Mashup

Obviously I'm not the first to feel that much of the rest of the world is crazy for calling me crazy... That I'm disabled by others' assumptions about reality... that the entire world is being categorized and commodified and homogenized and sterilized via some bizarre eugenic compulsion. I've seen some great posts here touching on things like shamanism and permaculture as a sort of radical and horizontal eco-psycho-social therapy... as a way we can sort of begin to put our lives in order with 'nature'... and I wanted to contribute to that with this short ecopsychology primer from Theodore Roszak. (Along with a few choice quotes from my ever-growing list.)

I Saw A Porcupine!

One friend in jail facing years if convicted, another in ICU after a suicide attempt, and another one in and out of suicidal crisis... but I saw a porcupine!

The rain

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I like rain. It stops me being silly.
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