Saneworld (Sane Mix) by Dave Fuglewicz and Jeremy Gluck


Short animation using scenes from 'Symptoms in Schizophrenia' from Internet Archive provides the visiontrack to this soundscape by modest genius Dave Fuglewicz. Token sane person Jeremy Gluck stammers along for the ride.


Mental Illness--History

I remember when I first got sick, it was like I woke up and decided I wanted nothing to do with the world anymore. I had just turned 15. I was at boarding school and none of my so called friends wanted to throw a party. My mom came to the school and I hadn't even known, she dropped off a painting of an angel watching over two kids on a cliff. Well that's just how I felt at the time, I was the girl on the edge just about to fall.

10 Step Plan

I wasn't aware that a diagnosis isn't always 'permanent' or 'official' thing and thought that it was something held against me. Since that had been my experience at a young age.

The Jinn

The Jinn came like the crack of dry leaves, scuttled by the wind, in a great swirling vortex all around me. They came like a dust storm in the desert. They do not leave me.

I think you know...., I am a recovering schizophrenic and that was supposed to be a joke. 

last post

so really i don't know if this will be my last post on this site. alots happened but in the scope of things nothings really changed.

Emphatically Apathetic

what's in a name?

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