The Transference of Energy

Scientists tell us that when the BIG BANG occurred signaling the birth of our universe, all of the energy the universe would ever contain existed at that moment.

What kind of 'democracy' allows this?

The sidewalks in my own neighborhood have been strewn all summer with the victims of our city 'democracy' - those souls who have literally nowhere else to lay their heads except for the concrete passageways of our 'fair city'.

Chaos Magic Practice

I recommend Hands-On Chaos Magic by the author Vitimus for a hands-on approach to learning all the possibilities of Chaos Magic.

+,-,? Girl Doesn't Get It....

Possessed or Dispossessed?

"...mental health, and in fact most kinds of health care, are seen as personal issues that are either best dealt with by professionals or through personal choices such as alternative healthcare, healing or therapeutic communities or alternative self-help groups. What we are asking is why isn’t health, and especially mental health an issue that we more regularly see as part of our anti-capitalist politics?"

from Shift magazine in the UK

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