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A multi-page rhizomatic web of words and images that constitute an "organic exploration of the schizophrenic self as an entity deeply embedded and interrelated within the social, the cultural, and the biological body"¦" With subsections on neurotheology, culture, semiotics, shamanism, psychosis, language, selfhood, economics, anti-psychiatry and much much more this is an ambitious and incredible piece of work.

Caty's Story

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The scope of this kaleidoscopic piece ranges across so many territories that it belongs on just about every page of our website. Caty's personal story of discarding the role of patient and the identity of a "mood disorder with legs" leads her from anger and alienation to The Freedom Center, where she finds true solidarity and discovers that engaging with her problems at the level of social activism can help her to heal herself and change the world.

Extreme Wisdom: Using Process Work to Discover Meaning in Difficult States of Mind

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Process Work is a strange and wonderful way of looking at and interacting with people and the world, developed by Arnold Mindell and his colleagues around the globe. Process Work can be applied to all aspects of human experience, including dreams, physical symptoms, relationships, music, creativity, extreme states of consciousness, death and dying, comas, conflict, group dynamics, and world issues.

Theatre of the Oppressed

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There is another option"” it's called Theatre of the Oppressed (T.O.). For over forty years Brazilian director and legislator, Augusto Boal, has been leading groups through more than 600 games designed to confront internal and external oppression. This "two-way theatre" is used all over the world by activists, teachers, mental health workers and artists who value personal experience as a reflection of universal issues.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

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This article tells an Icarus Project member's story of trying various treatments and finally finding Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, which focuses on teaching specific skills to help people deal with their lives: And then I heard one sentence that made sense. "Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain."

Food Not Bombs as a Radical Non- Hierarchical Grassroots Organizing Model

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Food not Bombs is what the local church soup kitchen would turn into if it was suddenly taken over by mad anarchists armed only with spatulas and dull knives which were barely able to cut through vegetables - if God and the 10 commandments were replaced by a collective and mutual aid, and the body of Christ was used to feed the hungry instead of the holy.

Welcome Home Zapatista: Finding Community in Revolution

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The Zapatistas called for "a world in which many worlds fit," offering "one no and many yeses." Subcomandante Marcos, one of the main spokespeople of the movement, in a famous communiqué wrote that he was a gypsy in Italy, a black man in the ghetto, a queer in San Francisco, a lone woman on a dark street at night, a hungry campesino in the jungle.

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