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The Story of the Freedom Center

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Caty writes about finding the Freedom Center, Western Massachussetts' "only group run by and for people labeled with severe "˜mental illnesses'" which calls for "compassion, human rights, self-determination, and holistic alternatives" and much more. The Freedom Center's support groups and local actions have made a huge impact on lives of people in their community; find out more about this amazing resource.

A Hypodermic Shot to the Heart: Harm reduction basics and visions for survivor-led change

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Harm reduction (HR) is a process of immediately reducing the harm to one's self and others, free of judgment and outside coercion. It is a philosophy and working/living style that acknowledges that we are not forever our current behaviors, addictions, vices or negative thought patterns and that our lives are guided by states of change - from infancy to adolescence, adulthood to old age.

On Finding My Tribe, and Thinking for Myself

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It was through an experience of synchronicity that I found my people"”our loose-knit, decentralized movement of "crazy" artists, spiritual revolutionaries, and activists that defies easy categorization. At the suggestion of my therapist, who wanted me to go back on meds, I went to the bookstore to find Peter Kramer's Listening to Prozac. That book was not on the shelf; instead, I found Peter Breggin's Talking Back to Prozac...

Somatic Experiencing and the Roots of Our Illness

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Somatic Experiencing therapy as a way of healing.My world is filled with a huge collection of the most beautiful, inspiring and talented people. People who have dedicated their lives to turning the world into a better place, and imbuing it with their own brand of magic....They all have a couple of things in common- they are all filled with the enormous love of true revolutionaries, and they are all extremely fucked up.

Knots and Networks: Getting Support From Our Communities

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Practical advice on how those of us living with emotional extremes can take stock of our patterns and communicate our needs and warning signs to our support people, as well as how our friends and families can help us take care of ourselves and engage with the difficult questions we face like "should I go off psych drugs?" or "why am I so fragile?"

Patterns, Grounding, and The Basics

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This short piece talks about the importance of recognizing that there are difficult patterns disrupting our lives, deciding to ground and take care of ourselves, and checking in with our basics.

Healing and Community

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An exploration of the ways that diversity and interdependence are essential to healthy ecosystems and healthy societies

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