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Interview with Arnold Mindell: Dreambody Process Work

An interview with Arnold Mindell, a physicist who trained in Jungian psychology and then drew on many different influences, especially Gestalt therapy, to develop Process Work, an awareness practice with applications to mental health/extreme states of consciousness, bodywork, therapy, organizational development, and conflict resolution.

Campaign for a New Diagnosis in the DSM: World Domination Disorder

The DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the 'yellow pages' of mental illness diagnosis, has an online page inviting people to suggest new mental illnesses for its upcoming fifth edition. Join an international campaign to log in to the DSM site and add World Domination Disorder, with the case study based on one example: George Bush. You can spread this url: http://snipurl.com/NewDSMDiagnosis.

New Introduction to the 5th Printing of "Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness"

It is Spring 2006, 2 years after Sascha and Ashley self-published the first 1000 copies of this barely-proofread zine/book, threw them in the back of my truck, and launched into a guerrilla speaking tour of bookstores, infoshops, colleges, community centers, mental health clinics, and activist houses across the country. Looking back at how the Icarus Project has changed with fresh eyes and new perspectives, this is Ashley's Re-Introduction to the latest edition of the Navigating the Space reader.

Collaborating With Madness - ISPS Newsletter

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A short article about how to relate to extreme states of consciousness by Will Hall, written for the newsletter of the International Society for the Psychological Study of Psychosis and Schizophrenia.

The Return of the Prophets

This essay draws on traditional biblical and greek texts and argues for the equivalence between prophecy and genius. We explore the connections between madness and prophecy, and madness and genuis and everything in between.

Left Turn Article on Icarus 11-06

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An overview of the Icarus Project written by Will for the activist magazine Left Turn. Download a copy of the published article here.

Focusing: Felt Sense Meditation

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A useful tool for discovering deep emotional states underneath what is going on and helping these emotions unfold and express themselves. Has similarities to meditation but is more like an inner emotional bodywork.
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