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The Mystics Will Always Live on the Margins

a man named todd in the desert growing celery on a day with electric light

and I am a passer-through seeking some kind of truth behind the strip-mall facade of america and he is channeling it through the minerals in his plants and we are talking under a disproportionate amount of sunlight for november and he has known me for about 10 minutes and I can feel myself radiating some kind of energy out through my skin...

The Return of the Prophets

This essay draws on traditional biblical and greek texts and argues for the equivalence between prophecy and genius. We explore the connections between madness and prophecy, and madness and genuis and everything in between.

Interview with Arnold Mindell: Dreambody Process Work

An interview with Arnold Mindell, a physicist who trained in Jungian psychology and then drew on many different influences, especially Gestalt therapy, to develop Process Work, an awareness practice with applications to mental health/extreme states of consciousness, bodywork, therapy, organizational development, and conflict resolution.

Arnold Mindell: The Ally's Secret

Excerpt from process work creator Arnold Mindell's book The Shaman's Body.

How To Conceive the Inner Task According to Zen -- Hubert Benoit

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Obscure but influential French psychiatrist Hubert Benoit tackles the confounding paradoxes of non-linear Zen teachings with methodical precision. This excerpt of one of his books is worth a slow and careful read.

Freedom To Sit: Welcoming People With Psychiatric Disabilities At Meditation Retreats

Summer 2007 article by Will Hall in Turning Wheel: A Journal Of Socially Engaged Buddhism, published by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Download pdf version.

Paradoxical Theory Of Change - Gestalt

This succinct summary of the basic approach of Gestalt therapy offers an innovative approach to personal growth that resonates with Zen and spiritual practices. 


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Meghan Jisho Caughey discusses her experiences with Buddhist meditation and being diagnosed with schizophrenia. 

Notes Summarizing Work of Carl Jung

Icarus member Steven Smiles put together these notes summarizing the work of psychoanalyst Carl Jung. Download attached file.

Shamanic Perspectives on Mental Illness

South African graduate psychology student Niyati Evers research paper on shamanism and schizophrenia, including an interview with a Botswana sangoma - spirit healer - and discussion of process-oriented psychology.

When Insanity is a Blessing: The Message of Shamanism - Kalweit

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"When Insanity is a Blessing: The Message of Shamanism," chapter from Holger Kalweit's Shamans, Healers, and Medicine Men.