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PEN Prison Writing Award: Coming Off Paxil Essay

First Place in the PEN prison writing award went to this essay about coming off Paxil.


Related topics:

Meghan Jisho Caughey discusses her experiences with Buddhist meditation and being diagnosed with schizophrenia. 

Crisis Plan Chapter from Wrap

Crisis plan chapter from the wellness recovery action plan, good for Mad Maps and advance directives.

Handouts on Group Facilitation

A collection of cool teachings on group facilitation borrowed mostly from the Rockwood Institute for a Freedom Center training, downloadable as a pdf.

Paradoxical Theory Of Change - Gestalt

This succinct summary of the basic approach of Gestalt therapy offers an innovative approach to personal growth that resonates with Zen and spiritual practices. 

Freedom To Sit: Welcoming People With Psychiatric Disabilities At Meditation Retreats

Summer 2007 article by Will Hall in Turning Wheel: A Journal Of Socially Engaged Buddhism, published by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship. Download pdf version.

MIND-UK Study on How People Come Off Psych Drugs

MIND, the leading mental health charity in the UK, published this detailed study on how people experience coming off psychiatric drugs. Because they learned how unhelpful doctors can be, they changed their policy and no longer recommend people try to come off drugs only with their doctor's approval.

Download the MIND Study here.


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