Into the Woods: How Mushrooms Told Me To Ditch The Meds

I shared this story at an Icarus meeting in Olympia attended by Will Hall. Will encouraged me to write it down and share it with the Icarus community at large - here it is!

Kirk told me that he, Ben and Ben's brother Nick were going to drink mushroom tea and go for a walk in the woods, and that I was welcome to join if I was so inclined.

klonipin withdrawel hell on earth

I have been taking klonipin for the past 11 years for severe anxiety and panic attacks.It worked however I ran into  an addiction problem. I was told to go to Butler Hospital for a week and they gave me lorazapam for 3 days  when I got home it hit me. It was an anxiety that was absolutely cippled me for 2 months while they told me it would get better it did not. I 

finally got back on and within an hour I was a different person. Now it is true I had anxiety before that,s why it was given to me however it

  1. was nothing remotely similar to what I experienced i,m on it now but if I slip up hell returns.


Harm Reduction Guide in German Translation - Harm Reduction-Leitfaden zum risikoarmen Absetzen von Psychopharmaka

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in German - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Inez Kochius.


i would have made a suicide attempt whether the cymbalta was present or not.

Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs & Withdrawal

The Icarus Project and Freedom Center's 40-page guide gathers the best information we've come across and the most valuable lessons we've learned about reducing and coming off psychiatric medication. Includes info on mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, risks, benefits, wellness tools, withdrawal, detailed Resource section, information for people staying on their medications, and much more. A 'harm reduction' approach means not being pro- or anti-medication, but supporting people to make their own decisions balancing the risks and benefits involved. Written by Will Hall, with a 14-member health professional Advisory board providing research assistance and 24 other collaborators involved in developing and editing. The guide has photographs and art throughout, and a beautiful original cover painting by Ashley McNamara. Download a .pdf to read or a 'zine version to print and fold into a booklet (instructions included). Published copies also available through orders(at)theicarusproject(dot)net.

Also available in Spanish. Tambien disponible en Castellano/ Espanol.


Also available in German

Also available in Greek

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