Evergreen College Icarus' New Zine

Check out the new zine by Evergreen State College Icarus in Olympia Washington!

Mad Love in San Francisco on Valentine's Day!!

Bay Area Icarus was revived last summer, and we are officially full of surging, irreverent life.   We held our first event on Valentine's Day--Mad Love.  We had an open mic, a skilled MC, a cabaret of musicians and poets, and the evening skyrocketed to a close with the Brass Liberation Orchestra.

If you were there, you know.  If not, read on!  Almost as good. :)

The time when you see my beauty

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I am sitting near the lake, the time you see my beauty ,it is too late. This is the only words that I can say .

Harm Reduction Guide in German Translation - Harm Reduction-Leitfaden zum risikoarmen Absetzen von Psychopharmaka

The Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in German - thanks to the dedicated volunteer translation work of Inez Kochius.

Navigating Crisis Handout

crisis handout coverThis four-page handout was edited by Clarextina and Will and Icarus member contributors, drawing from material in Navigating the Space, and turned into a beautiful design by Clarextina. It presents key things to think about when you are dealing with mental health crisis.

Ready to download on 8.5" x 17" double sided paper and fold.


Coming Off Drugs Guide Now In Spanish! Guia Reduccion de Drogas Psiquiatricas Disponible en Castellano!

guide cover CastellanoThe Harm Reduction Guide to Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs, published by The Icarus Project and Freedom Center, is now available in spanish - thanks to the dedicated translation work of Agustina Vidal from Buenos Aires Argentina.

Discontinuación del Uso de Drogas Psiquiátricas: Una Guía Basada en la
Reducción del Daño
, publicado por The Icarus Project y Freedom Center, ha sido traducida al castellano por Agustina Vidal desde Buenos Aires Argentina, miembro de la Asamblea permanente de usuarios del sistema de salud mental.

You can download the guide free online. Puedes decargarla de forma gratuita.

Go to the Resources section to download and read the Guide in spanish.

Vísite la sección de Recursos para bajar y leer la Guía.



Zine by Minneapolis Icarus Student

Download the beautiful 40-page zine, "A Student's Guide To Mental Health", at https://site.icarusprojectarchive.org/files/a_students_guide_to_mental_health.pdf

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