Free Download of Navigating The Space Reader Now Available!

You can now download a free .pdf format version of the wildly successful Icarus zine "Navigating the Space Between Brilliance and Madness: A Reader of Bipolar Worlds," edited by Ashley and Sascha. Check it out in our Resources section, and feel free to spread it around and link to it on other sites:

The Other Side of Science - Steven Morgan

Steven Morgan's excellent deconstruction of the scientific myths and politics that go into mental health diagnosis and treatment, including a detailed resource section.

Harm Reduction Guide To Coming Off Psychiatric Drugs & Withdrawal

The Icarus Project and Freedom Center's 40-page guide gathers the best information we've come across and the most valuable lessons we've learned about reducing and coming off psychiatric medication. Includes info on mood stabilizers, anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs, risks, benefits, wellness tools, withdrawal, detailed Resource section, information for people staying on their medications, and much more. A 'harm reduction' approach means not being pro- or anti-medication, but supporting people to make their own decisions balancing the risks and benefits involved. Written by Will Hall, with a 14-member health professional Advisory board providing research assistance and 24 other collaborators involved in developing and editing. The guide has photographs and art throughout, and a beautiful original cover painting by Ashley McNamara. Download a .pdf to read or a 'zine version to print and fold into a booklet (instructions included). Published copies also available through orders(at)theicarusproject(dot)net.

Also available in Spanish. Tambien disponible en Castellano/ Espanol.


Also available in German

Also available in Greek

lost soul

Wonder what will come of it . . .

Friends Make the Best Medicine: Icarus Support Manual Draft

Download and print out the first draft of our long-awaited Support Manual, titled Friends Make the Best Medicine: A Guide to Creating Community Mental Health Support Networks.

Icarus Poster: Taking Care of The Basics

This is a comic Sophie Crumb made for us about being sure you eat good food, sleep, exercise, take your meds/herbs/etc., and have some kinda schedule to keep you from getting too crazy"¦ This version is designed with a smaller Icarus Project logo to fit nicely on an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet.

Icarus Poster: Dangerous Gifts Support Group

This image, a comic about looking for your people at the "National Association for the Eradication of Mental Illness" and finding them at The Icarus Project instead, was designed by Becky Cloonan. This version has a smaller Icarus logo at the bottom and is designed to print just right on an 8 1/2" x 11" piece of paper. We also offer an 11" x 17" printed version for sale by mail.

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