Leaving the Mainstream for the Ocean...

Bipolar author of "Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin" describes the limits of psycho-logical language, the contraints vs. liberation of diagnoses and how symptoms are signals to pay attention to, but not be afraid of necessarily...

Lipstick and Thongs in the Loony Bin

Bipolar author goes from Rock Bottom to Rock ON! In "Lipstick and Thong in the Loony Bin" Courtney A. Walsh offers a survival story of hope healing and humor about the taboo subject of suicide. Pandora's Box?...is OPEN....

Review Of The Child Savers, a book demystifying the 'polytricks' of reducing people to labels, etc.

"The problem with children, and with working class children in particualr, was that they refused to be integrated smoothly into an oppressive society. ...The child savers turned political problems into adjustment problems. Instead of seeking political solutions to the problems of young people, they chose therapeutic remedies, thereby deflecting criticisms of capitalism onto its victims."

Judi Chamberlin on WANA and Real Alternatives

Pioneering psych survivor leader Judi Chamberlin writes about real peer-controlled alternatives to the mainstream system in this chapter from her book On Our Own, including the history of WANA -- We Are Not Alone -- and the creation of Fountain House.

"Recent advances in understanding mental illness and psychotic experiences: British Psychological Society"

Despite the intimidating title, this is a very clearly written report, with input from people who've been through the system, of what is know and not known about 'mental illness.' Though it doesn't recognize the dangers of the 'atypical' drugs, the report is a great, solid-research antidote to biased info coming from Big Pharma and mainstream medical model psychiatry.

NYC-Icarus Table at Anarchist Book Fair--4/14

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