Submitted by popejoan2 on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 1:26pm
i forgot to say...i first saw my grandma and me together in a flash crossing the border, as if i tuned into another dimension, but it was mexico there.
Submitted by popejoan2 on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 6:54am
woke up with bad head ache and snot filled head again. no sudafed. no coffee. running out of things. i hve tea tho. i wake up having to pee alll the time too. ugh. i am so tired.
Submitted by popejoan2 on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 10:34pm
i need to watch this movie a friend did so i can write him finally. it has been too long. well i went a year without being able to focus much on movies.
Submitted by popejoan2 on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 3:51am
i want to help start an icarus project here. i know a lot of people who have bipolar. we just find each other somehow. i just need a bit more consistancy.