titles are hard to come by

it is a weird thing to be semi hypomanic and sick at the same time. i am doing better tho i think. something is better. i think i have the flu. it may be just that.

cayenne is great, picture of comrade jesus

cayenne is great. i think it is helping at least one issue i babbled on about too much, but really.

yes i am a friend of comrade jesus

i posted a comrade jesus picture in my stumble upon blog, i will probably lose some friends. he looks like che.

stress and sickness

i am back to total sicky self again. but i have hope this time that it will pass...it has already and it will again. i am back to having a struggle just making it to an appointment.

more blahs

i hurt all over my body. i need someone who will look at the whole picture. only naturopaths do that it seems these days and that may be the way to go.


well if i can't get into the doctor i will go to urgent care. i need some sleep tho and i have to get that effexor. i keep wanting to write but i am so weary.

effexor blah

too hot, too cold. i had not picked up effexor in time so did not have any yesterday nor yet today. the withdrawal starts up fast. so i have that elevator feeling. ugh.

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