Ad Parody sheds crucial light on big pharma hype

"He isn't sophisticated enough to defend himself against the ideologies and weapons of those who incarcerate and indoctrinate him. And if we act quickly, we can ensure that his nascent rebellion will never find a consciously coherent expression-now or in later life."

Labels - I was a kid, not a frigging jar!

'Childhood schizophrenia'.

Pinned to me in 1964, at age six. The drugs soon followed - as did the 'special-ed' classes, outpatient 'treatment' at several different hospitals and finally at age sixteen, admission to a 'group home'.

'Mental Health Overhaul' = Big Brother will be walking large in Ontario

Once again the Province of Ontario is contemplating a revamp of how it delivers mental health 'services'.

The Transference of Energy

Scientists tell us that when the BIG BANG occurred signaling the birth of our universe, all of the energy the universe would ever contain existed at that moment.

big changes and small changes and any changes and all changes.

grief has finally caught up with me. it has been one year and one month since tempest was murdered and i am finally just feeling it in a way that is nearly unbelievable to me.

What kind of 'democracy' allows this?

The sidewalks in my own neighborhood have been strewn all summer with the victims of our city 'democracy' - those souls who have literally nowhere else to lay their heads except for the concrete passageways of our 'fair city'.

The Spaces In Between Choice

Today I cried for over an hour to the point where I was dry heaving on my floor. I have not been this upset in a long time over anything and I feel really shaken up. Through a number of techniques I have been able to feel better and to keep myself together but it feels like everything is falling apart. 


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