belief system

The universe is the pattern in the process of coming-to-consciousness of itself.

-Daniel Pinchbeck

Beating ourselves up inside our heads and perceiving reality

Two videos from youtube, one "terrible" music but with a deep message, the other, much clearer. Talking about perceiving reality and how most of us have been separated, and trained to "beat ourselves up inside our heads".


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i wonder where she's off to.. my dopplegaenger. i know she's gotten out.

lonely voice from Seattle

In which I introduce myself, spill my guts about the past year up to now, and basically cry out for empathy in my loneliness.

Most of you know how a manic episode can freak out those close to you and result in isolation. Here you'll see how 4 such episodes this year left me in a pretty fragile state.

Shamanic Perspectives on Mental Illness

South African graduate psychology student Niyati Evers research paper on shamanism and schizophrenia, including an interview with a Botswana sangoma - spirit healer - and discussion of process-oriented psychology.

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