Recovery - Just Another 'Mental Health' System Buzzword?

To be honest, the concept of 'recovery' is being turned into just another buzzword from the 'mental health' industry. In reality, the only 'recovery' the system appears to promote or perceive as possible is within the context of the existing medical model, through aggressive lifelong tinkering with peoples' brain chemistry or genetic makeup, and with diagnosed people still expected to occupy the same narrow, oppressive social niche as has been the case all along.

An open note to folks who go on about 'chemtrails' (Updated)

My bullshit detector's been activated once again.

Getting it?

I really don't know what is going to happen. I can't control it. I am an agent of change, but I am not the change. I can choose how to act, but forces greater than me govern what happens. This truth keeps me from worrying too much.

Visionary art to possibly inspire

This angle on things may interest the strategically challenged (i.e. "consumers" and survivors of authoritarian abuse who want to make a clean break from controls on our collective alienation); my own interest is to use my art to inspire discussion along lines of visionary ways to respond, re-create, and design our lives as we'd like to live.

some anti-copyright political cartoons/general critical psych art i have done

Here are a bunch of art images i made. They are all "anti-copyright" and may be used by anti-authoritarians and others critical of psychiatry and authority in general; any other use, please contact me... i invite input from folks in general, whether challenging or whatever. I would especially like to have more ideas for art, or ideas on how to make these existing ones even more clear and coherent. Let's see if this works...(i see no limit on attachments; is there one?)

Review Of The Child Savers, a book demystifying the 'polytricks' of reducing people to labels, etc.

"The problem with children, and with working class children in particualr, was that they refused to be integrated smoothly into an oppressive society. ...The child savers turned political problems into adjustment problems. Instead of seeking political solutions to the problems of young people, they chose therapeutic remedies, thereby deflecting criticisms of capitalism onto its victims."
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